Out Of The Shadows Documentary Exposes Control By Media / Government

TRAILER: (Full Video Below!)

From the website https://www.outofshadows.org/ :
“The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.”
“This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.”

View the video on their YouTube Movie Below or on their website. You can also visit their website for more information and make a donation.


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